Philosophy and Mission

Our Philosophy

Open Gate’s educational philosophy draws on the developmental readiness theory, which teaches us that children’s growth and development progress by predictable stages at their own unique pace, and that optimum development occurs when we respect that natural pace.

Therefore, we emphasize:

  • Social-emotional development
  • Physical skills
  • Competence and independence in daily routines
  • Creativity and imagination
  • Self-esteem

We provide a rich, active environment where children between the ages of 2-5 choose their own activities, which, in turn, stimulate growth in all areas. Teachers and parents guide children using techniques that emphasize modeling, active listening, and conflict resolution in which children work out their own solutions. We believe — and research shows — that practice in these areas, not early academics, provides the best foundation for formal schooling.

Open Gate’s supportive environment relies on parent/caregiver participation for its success. Learn more about our parent/caregiver participation at Open Gate.

Our Mission

  • To provide an environment that meets children’s social, emotional, physical, language, and cognitive development.
  • To build a community based on mutual support, respect and trust among children, parents, and staff.
  • To recognize and appreciate the uniqueness of each individual (children, parents and staff); to foster individual strengths, interests and talents.
  • To enhance the life of each child and parent and to make nursery school and parent education a happy, enriching experience.


Open Gate Nursery School admits students of any race, color, national origin, religion, sex, and gender identity (including gender expression).

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